Over the Moon

If you haven't picked up on this yet, I love books.

I love to read them by myself and I love to read them to my children. Books are so many things--a way to bond, a way to learn, a way to use your imagination
in every way possible.

Every night (and often several times throughout the day) I'm lucky enough to get to snuggle up with my boys and read books. My boys, who sometimes can't stop moving enough to give their mommy a quick hug, suddenly slow down, snuggle in and eagerly listen to their favorite stories and rhymes. This special, quiet time, really helps me get things into perspective. I see what is most important in my life and how special and amazing these little people are that God has given me to raise.

Recently we started to read and listen to Over the Moon: The Broadway Lullaby Project before bed. That's right, this book includes a CD of corresponding original music too! And it's top quality. I'm in love with the book illustrations. They are unique and beautiful and they introduce my children to different types of art. The music is absolutely beautiful too and done by some of the top stars from Broadway. And truth be told, I actually fell asleep within 10 minutes of listening to it the first time. It does what it's suppose to folks!

The best thing about all of this is that the book and music have been put together to help benefit breast cancer research and education (proceeds go directly to breast cancer charities). I love supporting something put together by people trying to make a difference in this world, but this really resonates with me since breast cancer took my dear Mom's life 9 years ago. With a mom who died relatively young from this disease and several sisters, breast cancer is something that is often on my mind.

So what do my boys think about this book and music? They both love the illustrations. I have left the book on the kitchen table the last week and my 2 year old keeps stopping by to take a peek. My 4 year old is into the rest of the book but my 2 year old isn't quite there yet. They both enjoy the music but much of it isn't too upbeat and exciting (being a lullaby and all) like some children's music so they prefer it when they are getting ready for bed and/or going to sleep.

You can check out more about The Broadway Lullaby Project here (including a documentary about it) and also find them on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

You can buy the book/music at their store here. It can be bought as just the hard book (includes 17 songs/illustrations), the CD (includes 26 songs) or the ebook (includes music and illustrations for all 26 songs).  It makes a perfect birthday or shower gift--especially for the mom or child who already has everything.

Now, don't forget to slow down for a moment every now and then and read to your child :)

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