Blog Index

You can now find the My Baby Sleep Guide Index at this link.


  1. Our baby gave up his dummy 2 weeks ago by going cold turkey which has been successful. He now has a cuddly bunny as a comforter. He goes to bed relatively easily most evenings between 6-7pm, has a DF at 10pm but then wakes at 2.20am. I go in to check he has bunny and then he squaky cries for up to 20 minutes before he falls asleep. My husband gets annoyed that I don't comfort him but I think I'm doing the right thing by encouraging him to go back to sleep? He then wakes at 5-5.30am and I take him downstairs for a bottle and put him back to bed an hour later for a sleep. Can you help me to eliminate the 2.20am wake and also extend his morning waking time please?

  2. Help! This is my third child so you think I would know what works and what doesn't lol! My 6 month old is breastfed and is on two meals a day and he's still waking every 2_3hours at night. I'm so tired I nurse him every time he wakes and put him back in his crib. I know he can't be hungry aside from his 6pm meal he also has a 6 oz bottle at bedtime as well as nursing him. Any suggestions? I know he must just be waking out of habit it's gotten. So bad I just don't know what to do.

  3. Help! This is my third child so you think I would know what works and what doesn't lol! My 6 month old is breastfed and is on two meals a day and he's still waking every 2_3hours at night. I'm so tired I nurse him every time he wakes and put him back in his crib. I know he can't be hungry aside from his 6pm meal he also has a 6 oz bottle at bedtime as well as nursing him. Any suggestions? I know he must just be waking out of habit it's gotten. So bad I just don't know what to do.

    1. Michelle,
      I would agree with you that he is waking for a reason outside of hunger. Sounds like you have become his sleep prop-when he wakes at night he needs your help to fall back asleep. To fix the issue, you have to have him learn to fall back asleep on his own. Look at the sleep training index for various methods and tips.

